Monday, April 21, 2014

Poblacion,Mangaldan Conducts Amusement Games...

PB Joselito Quinto , the barangay council members , NGO’s and BHWs had appeared in the regular session on April 21,2014 of Sangguniang Bayan of Mangaladan to shed light on the issue of the conduct of “peryahan” or amusement games as part of cultural activities upon the celebration of barangay fiesta on May 2014. A resolution was passed to this effect and forwarded it to the Office of the Mayor. Subsequently, a permit to operate said “ peryahan” or amusement games was granted to Engr. Ricardo Flores but withdrawn by an unauthorized person who allegedly acted as a middleman by another contractor or operator. Engr. Ricardo Flores was granted operation by the Sangguniang Barangay of Poblacion for purposes only to conduct amusement games. Drop balls operation excluded/prohibited.
Comes now the petition of the Poblacion Barangay Council Resolution No. 23, series of 2014, “Resolution asking the Sangguniang Bayan to stop the operation of drop balls located at Rizal Ave. operated by another contractor(the Ibasan group) praying for the cancellation and declaration /cessation of drop ball operation as a form of an illegal gambling submitted to the Sangguniang Bayan of Mangaldan. .
Mangaldan Chief of Police P/Senior Inspector/Col. Jacky Candelario was invited to appear in the regular session of SB Mangaldan on April 21, 2014 for him to cause the stoppage/closure of drop ball operations along Rizal Avenue, Poblacion, Mangaldan. This complaint should be filed by Barangay Council of Poblacion at the police desk so that the PNP Mangaldan could act according to lawful process. Vice-Mayor Manuel Casupang immediately set schedule for legislative inquiry, and acting on the resolution No. 23 S. 2014 on Barangay Poblacion, SBM Joel Meneses reiterated the closure/stoppage on all illegal gambling in the municipality which concurred in by all members of the Sangguniang Bayan as moved by the Majority Floor leader SBM Teresa”baby” Abalos.
Vice-Mayor Engr. Manuel Casupang banged his gavel signifying unanimous approval on the second resolution requesting Mayor Bonafe DeVera-Parayno and Police Senior Inspector Jacky Candelario to allow Engr. Ricardo Flores who was previously granted by Sangguniang Bayan Res. No 23, an authority to operate coupled with a lawfully issued permit to operate by Mayor Bonafe Devera-Parayno. In other words, the previous grantee, Engr. Flores should be allowed to operate the amusement games and, therefore be revived.

SBM Manuel Cabrera upon his motion and duly seconded both resolution for the stoppage of drop ball operation by another contractor and the resumption of Engr. Ricardo Flores operation on amusement games were unanimously approved. Police Chief Colonel Jacky Candelario was also invited to appear and received standing order from the SB to stop the drop ball games and implement the resumption of operation of amusement games by Engr. Flores. Such operation was halted upon the interference of two policement who appeared and ordered the workers of Engr. Flores to start operation of amusement games.Thes policemen are now being investigated on what capacity they interfered and forced to stop Engr. flores operation on amusement games. For lack of time, the workers and the policement and other aleged intermediaries shall be invited by the SB for further investigation in aid of legislation. Question has been cropped up who is really calling the shots to operate drop balls or other illegal gambling in Mangaldan???

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