Monday, September 29, 2014


BQB Elementary School
San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Teacher’s Competency

          Upgrading the instructional competencies of teachers is one of the factors in improving the performance of pupils because whatever substantive knowledge they acquire will definitely be imparted to the pupils.
However, a teacher should know the required standard of instructional competencies and meet these standards or even exceed it. Hence, there should be an assessment of their instructional competencies.
          Through assessment of instructional competencies, the teachers will be guided or assisted to respond to the needs of the school and establish an effective school practices.
          Upgrading teacher’s methods and strategies in teaching will provide adequate instructional materials, visual aids and devices that will challenge the attention of the learners, stimulate thinking, and facilitate understanding which will make learning more meaningful.
          Hence, such upgrading of instructional competencies of teachers will guide education leaders in adopting appropriate and effective implementation of policy. All stakeholders would be able to identify the strength and weakness to improve pupil’s academic achievement, learning outcomes and school performance. 



BQB Elementary School
San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Participative Leadership

Schools need some form of leadership to handle the day-to-day activities of the school. As the world changes rapidly specially with the fast transfer of science and technology, computerized information leads to greater globalization.
As a result, school management should have a modified leadership to cope with these rapid innovations in technology transformation so as to be able to create a school full of an information and technology environment. A leader therefore under this environment should be systematic. He must be knowledgeable on these high technologies in this rapid changes in society. Basic information should be provided by the system through the conduct of various seminars and workshops.
Through these acquired information technology such as the use of e-mail, facebook, twitters, blogs, on line news, visual aids and other similar means could be an instrument to persuade teachers, pupils and the community to participate in all undertakings which will enhance learning system and improving school facilities. Through appropriate and correct information which would be disseminated will enlighten them to be more pro –active and vigorously participate in school activities.  
Hence, participation of all stakeholders creates participative leadership. It will establish a clear vision, communicating it to others and having them willing to follow you. Effective participative leadership which is required in successful administration, calls for being able to coordinate and balance conflicts between individuals or groups. A leader has the skills to come to the forefront in a crisis situation and take charge in creative ways that leads to a resolution.